He's getting too old too quick and too tall.

He's getting too old too quick and too tall.

Miss Legs!

Miss Legs!
Hi All... We have been busy. As you know, we moved back to Ohio and will soon be in our own home. We are praying by April. The kids are loving the snow, skating and having more opportunities to do things other than be carted from one sitter to the next while mom works and works and works. Here are a few photos to bring you up to date....

Andrew is a natural skater and skated his first meet today, 2/22/09. He skated with his partner, Alicia. They have only skated a few hours together over the past few weeks and were very nervous. (Check them out on the video. Excuse the camera person... she tried and is still learing how to crop and embedded video.) He adjusted quickly to ohio and despite the cold can be found outside playing, even riding his bike in the snow. (Yes, he has been warned about the dangers.... but boys will be boys and he has learned that it can be slick riding a bike in the snow. He also got his first experience sled riding... mom had to PRY him off the hill. He also likes going over his friend, Aaron's house to play and get away from the girls.

Abbe, got a Christmas wish of losing her 2 front teeth. She actually yanked one out on her own. It wasn't ready and the pulp from the inside of the tooth was hanging down for a few days after... gross. Ab recently performed at a Midview High School Basketball game as a "Mini Skipper" (dance team). She was struting her stuff. She also enjoyed sledding, and skating adding her own flare to it with some ballet moves. She's dying to get back to ballet, so we hope to be able to do so soon. She also likes calling her friend Rachel, making friends with everyone and hanging out with Bella her cousin. Mom is in the process of uploading a video of her dancing... but it takes a while so check back soon.

And Mom has been working on the BA and working and getting on her skates too.

All is well... you can reach us at mach.terp@gmail.com. More news to follow.


Our little tax return and newest addition to our family.

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Andrew's first solo event.